WRITTEN BY: Randy Pinocci
Every organization needs its leadership and the Montana Republican Party is certainly no exception to that rule. Very soon the Republican Party will pick a new chair and vice chairperson to lead Montana into the future. As a long-time Republican here in Montana I find myself very frustrated with our current leadership and like many other organizations across our great country problems usually occur over money.
Who controls the Republican Party has a great amount of control of where the money gets spent, which campaigns get it and which campaigns don’t. The abuse can extend past money. An example is leadership can decide who runs for office and those that shouldn’t bother to even file for office. This is mostly done either by withholding money or access to constituents (denying a candidate the opportunity to speak at an event, or have signage placed at an event; deny a candidate access to Campaign Sidekick, or the ability to have field representatives door-knock or handout candidate literature…).