America in Distress

America in Distress: How to Help the Hundreds of Political Prisoners Still Held Today by the Biden Regime and Save America from Communism – by J6 Prisoner Isaac A. Thomas


Guest post by January 6 political prisoner Isaac A. Thomas

As we approach the 3rd anniversary of the January 6th protests on Capitol Hill, we must ask ourselves, how can we play a role in saving America from the communist regime that has taken over our nation? Over the last 3 years, hundreds of God-loving American patriots have been rounded-up by corrupt 3 letter agencies, denied due process, and thrown into gulags across the country.

Ashli Babbitt, one of four Trump supporters killed by police action at the protests on January 6, 2021.
We have had our families, our homes, and our careers taken from us. We have been deemed deplorable by nearly every mainstream news outlet in every state. We’ve received death threats; we’ve been called names and even been subject to violent attacks by correction officers and other inmates while incarcerated.

When will enough be enough? America is supposed to be the land of the free. The land of opportunity and prosperity for those who love their community …and their country. So, how did our country turn into such a dark place where right equals wrong and good equals bad? The truth is, we all know the answer to that. Unfortunately, America has turned away from God and relied on corrupt politicians in Washington to save us. We allowed the establishment to infiltrate all aspects of our government, including some of the most critical leadership positions. We were distracted by advancing technology and unheard-of innovations, never stopping to think that these things could be used against us someday. Genetically Modified foods? Who cares… Electronic voting machines with access to the Internet? Makes it easier right? Artificial intelligence instead of natural intelligence? No big deal. The propaganda machines have brainwashed us into thinking that this is just the way things are. Things evolve, people evolve; that’s just the reality of life.

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