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Mississippi citizens invited the Fractal quantum technology team to audit the Mississippi voter rolls – and the results, as you can see in this video, are surprising.
The reddest state, or one of them, has voter rolls with enough obvious aberrations – found with Fractal quantum compute in less than 45 minutes – to impact a statewide election.
Mississippi has honest, diligent, highly patriotic election management at the state level.
The Mississippi Secretary of State, Michael Watson, is a national leader – almost alone – demanding voter rolls be free of illegal alien voters.
The Mississippi Secretary of State office provided very clean, professional, inexpensive, data exports. Of the 26 states where the Fractal team received voter rolls, those in Mississippi were by far the most professional.
The office of the Secretary of State offered the team every bit of cooperation – Mississippi citizens ought to be pretty pleased the Secretary of State team there is vitally interested in any data they can get on how to improve voter rolls.
Even a great Secretary of State office, like Mississippi’s, doing all the right things, can have very inaccurate voter rolls if it has crappy tools.
Mississippi uses relational technology/SQL – like every Secretary of State in America, and every voter integrity organization and thus vast numbers of invisible anomalous voters remain on the rolls.
Nobody could have done a better job than the Mississippi Secretary of State with relational technology – it is a tools problem, not a people or talent problem.
Mississippi is not alone.
As the Fractal team showed in the Georgia video, quantum compute demonstrates there is no way Biden can be declared the winner in Georgia 2020 – Fractal quantum tech compared the official Secretary of State Georgia cast ballots which contradicted their own voter histories.
As Fractal quantum compute showed in Alaska, almost a third of the voter roll is off limits to citizens and what is visible shows voters living at addresses without bedrooms – like a warehouse.
Fractal showed in Utah, that even while much of the voter roll is hidden by the government, it still contains thousands of people voting from ineligible locations like hotels.
As Fractal demonstrated in Minnesota and Kansas, their official property tax rolls contradict their official voter rolls – showing again, neither state has a clue as to how to create a clean voter roll in which citizens can have confidence.
Over 30,000 voters have multiple voter IDs from their Secretary of State.
That’s the electoral equivalent of giving out multiple Social Security Numbers!
In Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, Texas, Pennsylvania, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, California, Minnesota, New Mexico, Wisconsin and other states – wildly inaccurate voter rolls are a feature, not a bug.
In those states, bad actors deliberately infuse voter rolls with anomalies to be used when needed – which is in 2024.
In those states, it is not just a tools problem – like Mississippi – it is organized, government-sponsored sovereign voter fraud – where bad tools like relational databases help out.
The days of wildly inaccurate voter rolls remaining invisible to citizens are over – quantum compute, using cross database search perfected years ago with the TSA No-Fly List and insurance and Medicaid fraud – is now demonstrating to all how bad voter rolls are.
Bad data is not just a state issue.
The Fractal team ran the voter rolls furnished by the RNC to candidates in 2022 – and they were 50% wrong! The worst data management in any corporation might be 4% – the RNC is over 50% incorrect.
In 2023, in Wisconsin, Republican canvassers started using the Wisconsin data team’s lists – door to door – and they reported these lists were 99% accurate.
A U.S. Senate seat was saved by the intelligent use of quantum by the Wisconsin Streetfighters.
Those lists were built by the Wisconsin team, with Fractal quantum playing a role – but not the entire role – and the results were 99% accuracy.
The same canvassers used the RNC rolls a year earlier – for the Red Wave that never happened – and they reported the RNC lists were over 50% incorrect.
Every Fortune 1,000 company is growing its use of quantum compute driving both large and small language A.I. models.
Fractal is introducing – to Secretaries of State in a few states – and Medicaid investigators in every state, the power of quantum technology – at a fraction of the cost of their current technology.
When you look at the Mississippi data, do not blame the Mississippi government. They have crappy technology – as does the RNC, and every Secretary of State in America. They deliver the most professional voter rolls our team has experienced.
What is important is that quantum technology, from the Fractal team or other companies – delivers the beginning of the end of phantom-infested voter rolls – showing the thousands of phantoms in every state voter roll – missed for a generation by the national voter integrity orgs and of course, the RNC – all of whom use obsolete relational technology.
And everything you see in this video – is accessible from your phone – at 200 million transactions per second – running on computers you can hold in your hand.